Saturday, April 27, 2019

#82 April 21-26, 2019

Dear Family,

What are you giving to the Albuquerque, New Mexico mission? (Not what are you getting out of serving a mission, but what are others gaining because you are serving a mission).
For that question, as me next week, and I'll think about it.

It sounds like a good week for baseball and stuff, so that's nice and Jaxon's graduation from Institute deal is good. Ya, sounds like back home it's running. I was going to ask if there are a lot of new people coming to the valley? But tell everyone I said hi and it all sounds really fun mom, love you.

Monday - We had a good p-day. We went to Las Alamos on a hike. This one was fun because there was a trail but we pretty much just went exploring. So that was cool. Then we went back and had an all out nerf war with about 30 guns tons of different kinds. It was fun. We had one guy hide all the guns, and then we had 5 minutes and had teams and stuff. It was super fun. 

Tuesday - Today we stopped by a bunch of less actives. It was ok, not a lot were home, but then it was ok. Then we had dinner with grandma, that's what all the missionaries call her because she basically is. Then we finished up with a member lesson.

Wednesday - We had a bunch of service at the giving tree. We gave out food forever and it felt like all day, but it was nice because we go to talk to a pile of people. Then we went to dinner and had our apartment inspections. Ya, they were super strict. But we passed, but they were a little different, so I guess it was ok.

Thursday - We had a lesson with a guy that is a less active and not all there. It went ok, but it was just weird because we were on a subject, then all the sudden, nope, we derailed quick. Then we got in contact with a few more less actives, and maybe we can get a little service out of it, so I hope so. We ate dinner and then we had that weekly planning for a little bit in the evening.

Friday - We drove down to district council. Our district is super cool; we all like each other and had a pretty good one. Then we drove back in a heck of a rain storm. Then we got a new investigator, and had a really good lesson with her. Then we knocked a few doors and boy, not a lot of luck in Taos. but then we had dinner at an Italian restaurant. That was different, but it was pretty good. It was prom or something because there were a few kids dressed up with dates. Then we had to go back and finish up weekly planning.

Saturday -
We went to a less active's house and did some work for him. That was good. We trimmed a bunch and I mean like a field of trees for him, and then we got to burn a bunch of them, so those flames were huge. Then we went to dinner at Julia's. We had pizza and played with her kitten with a laser. Man, it was good. We laughed so hard.

Sunday - We went to church and then we had a lunch at the bishops, then we were supposed to have a lesosn at the Padillas, but the people fell through, so we had another lunch with them and then we had dinner at the Barrones. They are super cool. I like them a lot.

Also transfer news came and that is gonna be brutal. Nightengale is leaving and I am getting one that I struggle with. And I'm district leader and taking over a monster area, so I'll be needeing a few prayers this week. It's gonna hit like a freight train.

Love you all. Have a good week.

Elder Reiley

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