Saturday, June 15, 2019

#89 June 9-15, 2019

Dear Family,

It was good to talk to you. I enjoyed that a lot. I will get a hold of Hansen's and send some stuff home. Ya, I'll be careful on the bike, it is quite a deal for sure, but I'll watch what I'm doing! I am so excited for Ginger. Really, that is something that made my whole week. Thanks for sending pictures of her colt. 

My week was interesting for sure.
Monday - Well, it was the last one up in Taos. We were in Los Alamos with a couple of other missionaries and it was good. We did some fun stuff up there to end the time together and I really enjoyed that. Then we drove home to the Barones and I had one last dinner with them. I am really going to miss them a lot. I like them a ton. Then I went back and packed some stuff.

Tuesday - Well, it was all goodbyes today. Really, it was something else. I said goodbye to a pile of people that I am really going to miss a lot! But to fast forward... it was my last dinner at grandma Julia's. It was a lot of fun, then we drove down to Espanola and played a good game of monopoly.

Wednesday - Transfer day. We drove down to Albuquerque and I got Elder Tanner and we went to our area and went right to work. We waked and found a few people so that was nice. It was kinda a brutal deal, but we will make it work. 

Thursday - Well today we got a few bikes running and we went to a food bank for service. That was pretty good. It was a monster place and we did a few good hours there and it was pretty good. Then we went around and we got to meet a few of the members and that was pretty good and then we ate dinner and called it a night. 

Friday - So today we had our district council. We did some knocking doors and it was good to be honest, but its a tough business for sure. Then we went to a dinner at the Hogges. I ate Greek food for the first time so it was a little different but not too bad. Then we went with the zone leaders and we had a lesson with them, so it was cool because the guy that we met is Laguna and we talked in the Keres language for a while so that was a step up. 

Saturday - So we did some more service handing out a pile of food so that was really good. We met a bunch of people. Then we jumped on the bikes again and we rode all over looking for people to teach and it was really quite the deal for the most part, it was pretty good. Then we ate dinner with the bishop and that was pretty good. He's cool too. Then I finally got to play a little basketball on Saturday night so that was really nice to have. Boy I have really missed that. 

Sunday - We got introduced to the ward and it was really because the ward is big and excited that we are there so it will be good. Then we talked to Brother Skywalker for the next hour and it was really good because he is Navajo and he has some really good stories to tell. Then we went home got a little lunch and we biked to a few parks and got to talk to a few people on Father's Day so that was good. Then we had dinner with the Summers. We talked about Laguna too, so there are a lot of connections to Laguna so that is really nice for me.

So that was my week. Kinda all over the place and it was really a lot to take in for one day, but so far so good. I hope you all have a great next week and thanks for all the pictures. I love getting those.

Elder Reiley

Elder Tanner-Albuquerque 

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