Saturday, July 13, 2019

#93 July 7-13 2019

Dear Family,

When this week did you experience patience?
Yes I have to have patience every day. One was because the one person we have is kinda backing out now so that takes a lot of patience.

When this week did you experience faith?
And for faith every day you have to have it when you're on a bike it is brutal but you got to do it!

Finish this sentence: "One thing I love about Joseph Smith is...
One thing I love about Joseph Smith he is a beast, animal, monster stud you name it he was it. People that don't like him... hopefully I don't find them alone.

Dang girls camp sounds fun haha I bet it was great!!  And the party for Jaxon and Alex and everything I bet it was awesome!! Haha that's awesome - it is such a small world!!

Dang thanks mom I can't wait to get the package! So it sounds like you had a dang good week; really I love hearing about it. I was happy to hear about the week I am happy for you all!!

My week 
 Monday me and Elder Tanner went to the zoo, well it was not bad. I got to see a polar bear, so it was good and I got to hold a duck that was eating out of my hand and it took everything not to just take the thing and eat it!!  But it was a good time!!

Tuesday we did not do a whole lot other than we did just knock a few doors. Boy it was like a  100 degrees outside almost every day this week! But then we had a good dinner and wrapped up the night.

Wednesday we did the same thing. I hate to say it, but we do a lot of the same thing every day. This area is kinda brutal. But we did our best. we had a ok day- not any people wanted to listen to us, but we went to a dog park and we talked to a few people. I saw a dog just like Molly so that was good. Then we had a good dinner and we biked home.

Thursday we did service at this food bank deal; it was OK. We did a little interview and stuff so it was pretty fun; me and Tanner just work by ourselves because we get work done!!  Then we went to the assistant's for a little service. It was pretty easy but they are pretty funny!  Then we had another good dinner - really good steaks so that made my night. It is nice to have a little bit of home comfort food!!  But then we did our weekly planning and called it so it was good.

Friday we did a little bit of service and took out a pile of roots and tree stumps; that felt way nice to do that! Then we went to district council. But we had a good time because we went to a member's baseball game and we found a lot of people - some potential, but we will see. I got to see some high-school baseball and boy that was a good deal and bad because I wanted to play so bad!!! But then we got caught in a bad rain storm and got drenched too that was really fun!! 

Saturday we did a little more service and we rode around and biked into a few people and that was pretty good. But Saturday we did a little more service in the rain and got drenched again so that was very nice when it's a 10000 degrees you get desperate for rain too!  But it was a good day.

Sunday we had church and we had to talk so that was brutal and as the opening hymn was going, our mission president walked in and we both were like, "oh you've got to be kidding", but it was good so we were relieved!!. Then we did a lot of calling and setting up stuff and then we went to dinner and talked to them forever. it was nice because I knew them from Las cruses so it was really nice to catch up with them again.
But that is about it for my week; not a lot happens anymore. Sorry about that, but I'll see what I can do to spice it up a little bit next time!!  Have a great week love you!

Elder Reiley. 

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