Saturday, July 20, 2019

#94 July 14-20, 2019


If another missionary were discouraged, what you tell him to help him stay positive?
I would ask him why he came out.
You said Joseph Smith was a beast (and a lot of other good adjectives!), but can you think of an example of him being a beast? Why do you feel so strongly to defend him?
Because so many people bash on him and they don't even know who he is! So I defend him cause he went through literally hell to provide the best stuff for them and people just don't understand; that is what ticks me off. 
What is one specific example of how the Holy Ghost helped you this past week?
He helped me to choose a investigator to come to a little family home evening and it was the right one and we had a good lesson.
Did you get the package and will everything work? 
Yes I got my package thanks so much for it to!! YA they will work fine. 
People ask me what your plans are... I just say what you said in the past... still true?
Ya that's pretty close just go home and hunt and fish and work and I'm still kinda debating BYU-I or Utah State.   

Thanks mom for that I needed something like that. But ya the week was kinda a dud, that's ok mine are mostly like that so you get use to them after a while. 

 My week 
Mon. We went on this deal - the tram when we go back to visit this place we are definitely  going to get in it. Holy cow it was cool. I hate heights, but this takes you up in a glass box on cables and takes you up 10,000 feet you can see all of New Mexico literally all of it!!! It was really cool- not much to look at, but still cool. Then we came back and played a little more basketball!! 

Tues. So today was a ton of stopping by then we got a  great dinner with the Taylor's they are so stinking funny!! We had a good night with them. 

Wed. Exchanges with Elder Young. We biked around looking for people and found 1 so who knows how it will be? But we did get to cut down a massive tree, that was a highlight because we hooked straps to it and had to pull it so it wouldn't hit the flower bed, but still we had a good time doing it. Then had a crazy dinner - just kinda loud and then we had a couple member visits. 

Thurs. Today we had some service at the food bank and we got to make bales in a baler, but for cardboard so it was pretty good, we had a good time doing that. Then we came back and did a little more service and had to get an air conditioner deal up on a roof so that was fun!! Then we had a  good blessing and a good dinner then a little more finding so it was good. 

Fri. We had district council and we had a ok time there. Then we had a couple of appointments with people that  we were teaching and the members came with us so we had a good time doing that then we made our own dinner and we called a 1000 people. 

Sat. So we had a few bike problems- ya it never really stops ever!!! So we had to do that and then we visited a few people and taught a few lessons which is better then nothing. Then we went to dinner and had some steaks and talked to the bishop for a while. 

Sun. Church well no one came really, but we did that. Then I got to call a lady back on the reservation because her husband passed away this week, and we were pretty close so that kinda took a blast, but its ok. Then we ate dinner with the Martin family. But then we got to have a little family home evening with our investigator in the mission president's home so that was a little nerve racking but ya it went good. 

So that was kinda my week not a lot but I'll send a few pictures your way thanks a lot and I hope you all have a great week. 

Elder  Reiley  

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