Saturday, July 27, 2019

#95 July 21-27, 2019

Dear Family,

What was the happiest part of your week?
The happiest part of my week was we got to build a rail for someone so we dug holes mixed concrete and cut poles all just me and Elder Tanner so it was nice to do a little work. 
What was the funniest part of your week?
Funniest was having dinner with the Taylor's Gary is so stinking funny its bad he almost made us cry!! 
What was the hardest part of your week?
Hardest would be dealing with another bike deal my tire blew and I'm sick of this this thing breaking down. 
Fill in the blank: The Book of Mormon brings me happiness because:____________________________________
Because it gives me something different every time I read it like a different perspective of happiness every time. 

It sounds like a good week so far.  I will look at the school deal too, thanks for the information. 

Thanks for the dang run down of the cousins that's good to hear that everyone is doing ok. Tell them I say hi to when you get the chance. 

My week. 
Monday was good; it was the last one with a few missionaries that were pretty cool. We had some good basketball and then a family came in and we ended up playing volleyball with them so it was pretty good; then we went to a restaurant for dinner it was really good to. 

Tues. we did a ton of drop byes like a ton, then we did a little service for a lady. Then to dinner and then we went back to service; we are building a railing for a lady so that was nice. 

Wed. this day was a beast. We went to the mission office and we met all the missionaries at the transfer sight. I said bye to Elder Holmquist too so that was kinda hard but it was nice to see him before he left. We went to a few people and thank goodness, we taught a couple lessons, but other than that we got yelled at more often but heck I didn't care I think they're just clueless. But then we ate dinner with some pretty spicy food then we had to go pick up all the new missionaries. 

Thurs. We woke up and downed a couple of trees for a lady it was pretty easy and really fun to. Then we went to a whole different service deal and that one was ok. We just stacked food for 2 hours!! Then we just tried to find people... same ol' thing. We had a pretty good dinner and played tag with the kids in the back yard so it was fun!! Then we had a monster rain storm - lightning and rain like a hurricane and thunder - oh man I love that but I also hate that I just hate lightning!! But we had a good meeting with our ward mission leader and then we came home so it was not too bad. 

Fri. My district council is same deal-  here we go. It was not too bad; just our people are kinda different. But then we had a little more service to do in the heat but it was  nice because almost every day it cools off in the evening so I was pumped about that!! But our dinner canceled on us so we ended up getting a pizza from 
Papa Johns so it was pretty good!! Then we ended with our studies. 

Sat. Went to the service deal and got a ton done on the rail - concrete and everything, so that felt nice. Then we went to lunch with a senior couple then we went to a lesson that was really good and hopefully we can get some good stuff out of that. Went to a ward picnic and had a heck of a tug of war it was really pretty funny. then ended the night with basketball! 

Sun. Church was normal then we got to go to the Jeffery's house and do some stuff with them on the computer. Then we went to a guy's house and talked to him for a while, then my stinking tire blew and we had to walk home and fix that deal and then had a really good dinner. 

SO this week had its ups and downs kinda like most of the weeks do, but have a good next week.

Elder Reiley  

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