Saturday, August 17, 2019

#98 August 11-18, 2019

Dear Family,

On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest), how important has prayer been on your mission so far? Why?
10 because I rely more on God and Jesus Christ more than I ever had. 

Can you think of a specific experience this week when prayer helped you?
We prayed on what we should do for an hour block we had. We went by a guy that we had not been by in a while and it was exactly what he needed.

What is the best thing about Albuquerque? What is the worst thing about Albuquerque? 
The best thing would be it is easy to get a  tan. The worst - people driving, city life, no rain... ya it kinda runs on.

How do you think you will use your mission experience in your life when you get home?
I will use it because I have grown and I have learned about people and what I can do in life to help them; or stay out of something I don't need to be involved in. 

That sounds like a pretty good week. I like all the mission calls that is really cool!! Anyways I am glad that you all had a good week. Thanks for the quote too. 

My week
 Mon. Well not too much happened; we played a little soccer, I got my hair cut, and ate at Chick-fil-A...  so I can't leave that out!! 

Tues. We had a long meeting all day zone conference!!  I had 3 Mountain Dews just to stay awake and it happened to be on the day where they talked about eating and drinking right and there I was having a pop. But after we went to dinner and had some weird suki auki? stuff; it's Japanese I never thought I would have it in Albuquerque. The guy served his mission there so it was good. I can't even explain it so you'll have to google it! Then we went to the mission president's house for a while because she saw my pop so she wanted to give me something a little better. 

Wed. So we first started off by getting a truck. Ya it finally came and I am stoked; it's so nice in the heat. We just said, hey Salt Lake is going to take that truck back if you don't use it and it's been sitting there for like a month, so they buckled and gave us one!!! It's just so much nicer because we can travel and hit a lot more areas. 

Thurs. I was on exchanges with the zl's. it was good. I was with Elder Minor; he is pretty cool. We did a pile of service, moved food, moved a senior couple, move all their stuff in an apartment, and I'll tell ya, it was a lot!! We took a coffee table all the way across Albuquerque, hung up some blinds and then we finally had dinner so it was nice to finally get that!! But then we gave a blessing at a hospital and I hate those places with a burning passion. I never want to go in to one again. Then got some spicy nuggets from Wendy's so it was worth it. 

Fri. So we just went and found like none other; yes we got a few that said we could come back, but we don't think they're that interested, but it is something to work with. Then we ate dinner with a family. They are pretty cool; we had root beer floats out of a bowl so that was a little weird!! For the most part it was good. Then we made a few member visits. 

Sat. We had a good lesson, then we went to a less active guy's place and he had a gym and invited us to work out with him so we went hard. That was nice!!. Then we ate dinner with a family that has no discipline on their children at all. They were all climbing over us and stuff. I almost made this kid cry, because apparently I grabbed the kid's arms too hard!! 

Sun. We gave a pile of blessings; it was so cool. The spirit that day, man it hit the spot for sure. We had a really good dinner and gave the mom a blessing and the whole house was crying, ( not me of course ;) but it was a really good boost from the week we have been having. 
So that was my week not too bad; I got a truck so I'm very happy. 

Have a great week.
 Elder Reiley 

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