Saturday, September 14, 2019

#102 September 8-15, 2019

Hey Family,

Dang it snowed. Boy its gonna be a long winter for me. The other day it was like 60 and It felt a little chilly!! Boy that sounds like a interesting week dang!!

What are you most thankful for?
Most thankful for the people I met and taught out here on the mission; it is a crazy experience seeing all the work that you put in, in other areas work out!! 

What does "endure to the end" mean to you?
It means to me this quote " crawling is acceptable, falling is acceptable, puking is acceptable crying is acceptable blood is acceptable pain  is acceptable But quitting will never be. 

What brought you the most joy this week?
Isa said he wants to be baptized we still have a lot to do but that brought a ton of joy!! Thanks for the email mom. 

Ok my week mon. Well Monday I beat a kid in basketball then played a little soccer and a dang good dinner. 

Tues. We got up and we went to a service deal. We picked a ton of tomatoes then just turned it into a dodge ball fest it was so fun!! Then we went with the zls and helped them move one of their people. Boy it was a lot of stuff but we still made it pretty good. Then we went out and tracked a ton of good places and saw a little success. Then we had a good dinner with the Millicans and he's a big golfer so that  was cool!! 

Wed. So today we  literally did all tracting, but we invited a ton of people to this family deal that's coming up so I can't wait for that!! Hopefully there will be a lot that come. Then we went to Gloden Corral with the Taylors and just before that Elder Tanner biffed it hard on his bike, like he's got a dang good road rash. I'm kinda jealous, but he's fine just hit some loose gravel and went right down, it was awesome to watch!! But he's fine, and dinner was really good too. We had a little lesson with isa and said he wants to be baptized and just like that.

Thurs. We did the usual service at the food bank then we went out and talked to a 1000 people. Boy, we found one guy that was a little off his rocker but loved us. We were standing in the sun for about 2 hours, if you don't think that's long go do it and only get about 1 word in!! Then we went to dinner at the Jacksons and had our meeting, then we went to  a appointment with a really big dog that had a little look in her eye... kinda like the Sandlot dog. That's the dog it was!   

Fri. Had a bomb district council. then we came back did a lot of studies then did some more finding and we then really hit it hard and found 2 people to teach so keep those prayers coming I think they are working. Then we went to a place called Fudruckers Burgers the only problem was that for lunch Elder Tanner and I made these burgers at home from a cow we got form a member!! Boy it was really good but it was super hard trying to get down the burger there and then biking it off, don't picture that one!! 

Sat. we had lunch with a gal named Michell. She had a lot of questions so that was really nice to test my knowledge a little bit and I was so happy when we were done it was a great time there. Then it rained and rained and rained!! I mean flash floods all around our tires were under the water so we took cover for a while at our dinner appointment's house and it was such a bad storm - lighting and then thunder super close so I was on edge a little I didn't like that one at all!

Sun we had church and Isa came and we suffered through a deep Sunday school so that  was kinda awkward. But then we had a good day of talking to  a lot of nice people so that was really good!! Then we just had dinner with the Kunzlers the mom and dad are very nice but the kids need a good talking to to put it nicely!! But then we went to a priesthood meeting and there were some dang good talks there for sure I loved them!!  
So that's about it. Oh ya mom I met someone at the temple today that went to school with you I can't remember her name it's on my book and I'll send one later that has it. I love you hope you have a great week!! 

Elder Reiley 

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