Friday, October 4, 2019

#105 September 29-October 4, 2019

Hey Family,

I'm working on the top 20 things I learned from serving a mission. I'll do that thanks for the reminder. 
My mission has changed me in a way thats hard to describe, just to know that this world is terrible and you have to get the tightest grip on what you are looking for, one of the biggest things for me is how to raise my kids, but it has  opened my eyes to see what heavenly father is really shaping me to become. 

Send me some pictures of Carson playing a little man ball!!! 

Ya i really loved conference too. It was a major deal this time. Man it sounds like this week was really good. just to make sure my homecoming deal is on the 27th right?? I am glad your'e helping out the missionaries and to be honest their moms are loving you for it! 

My week. 
Mon, Boy it was awesome we went to this trampoline place and I had a riot. Me and Elder Tanner played dodge ball and it was a ball we were both dead when we left but boy i was super happy, then we walked around the mall with the sisters boy that was a mistake.  But over all it was not the worst, (but close). Then we did our shopping ate dinner then found some people. 

Tues. we did our studies then we went to a ton of members' houses and presented a idea to them about missionary work and that took up a monster part of our day with a ton of biking. Then we ate dinner and went on splits so nothing too exciting. 

Wed. so kinda the same deal... we are putting our play in action, we are going to doorbell ditch members' houses with plates of cookies and a note to spread the word about an activity that is coming up. Then we went and tracted a couple houses and I said bye to a couple cause this next week is going to be dang busy! Then we went to a youth deal and we made welcome home baskets for homeless people, ya I can picture your face now, it's ok we did too... welcome home baskets for the homeless! Only in our ward!!!

Thurs. we went to the food bank got our order done then they made us go clean the freezer and it was not too bad but at the same time it felt like Idaho. I'm in trouble when I go home!! Then we did a little more service on some guy's yard , then we went to a couple stores and we talked a couple of people, then we went to a dinner at the Taylors they are really funny we had a great time there. Then we went to a really good lesson we are having with the Garcias!! 

Fri. District council and it was raining like heck it was finally so nice. I miss the rain amd never thought I would say that. But we had a good deal there and we went to the Weathersby for a little and got some stuff they needed and then we had a awkward dinner and it was with a single guy that all he did was just talk I mean I understand but at the same time man it was a long deal!!!  Then we went and we started finding people on the list and we had a gun pulled on us. It was so stupid the guy was tipped over and me and Tanner could have put him down with a nerf gun, so it was funny! Then we decided to go call some people for conference instead! 

Sat, we had a big dinner with the Larsons they are from Idaho and are really cool. We ate with them then watched all of conference, ate lunch there and we had a really good time just spending time with them. Then we went to dinner and it was not bad the mom and older daughter left so there we were with the dad and 2 kids and a new born boy I felt bad for that dad!! But it was a good time. 

Sun. So kinda the same thing happened for the first time and we ate with them and then we talked about Idaho, haha not my best conversation as a missionary but It felt good! Then we ate dinner with the bishop and had a pretty good time there. Then a member invited us to go watch fireworks. it was a pretty good time. 

So here is a  preview of today I was going to wait till next time but im going to send some pictures of the balloon fiesta, the #1 photographic event in the world!! it was too. it was really cool. 

Anyway that's it for my week But ill see y'all before ya know it have a great week!! 

Elder Reiley

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